Posts tagged tdec.
The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation is once again partnering with the Tennessee Stormwater Association, the Tennessee Valley Authority and the Tennessee Department of Transportation to offer grants to local governments to fund green infrastructure and low-impact development projects. A total of $200,000 in grants will be available for allocation over the next two years. Grants ranging from $10,000 to $30,000 will be awarded through a competitive process for projects such as rain gardens, green roofs, pervious concrete applications, trees and tree ...
Posted in: Tennessee
In Tennessee, permits under the state's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System program are required for construction sites and related support activities to avoid pollution from stormwater runoff. Specifically, a General NPDES Permit for Discharges of Stormwater Associated with Construction Activities ("General Permit") is necessary for all construction activities involving one or more acres of land or that are part of a common plan of development or sale of more than one acre. To obtain a General Permit, applicants must file a Notice of Intent with the Tennessee ...
Posted in: Environmental Protection Agency, Water Regulations