New Business License Tax Law Seminar

Speaking Engagement

Presenting: John Wall and Jeff Allen of Burr & Forman and Scott Slatton and Caitlin Cothran of MASC

Hosted by Burr & Forman and the Municipal Association of South Carolina (MASC)

On December 9th, John Wall and Jeff Allen of Burr & Forman and Scott Slatton and Caitlin Cothran of the MASC gave a summary of the South Carolina Business License Tax Standardization Act, discussed what the new law means for businesses, and gave a demonstration of the new statewide business license tax portal hosted by MASC. The new law simplifies business license tax (BLT) requirements by creating a standard BLT application, establishing a uniform BLT class schedule, and authorizing a centralized portal where businesses can apply for businesses licenses and pay any taxes owed at one location instead of coordinating with each municipality individually. To view the recording, click here.

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