Burr’s Jack Stephenson Named a Founding Fellow for American College of LLC and Partnership Attorneys
Birmingham counsel Jack Stephenson has been invited to become a founding fellow for the American College of LLC and Partnership Attorneys. Organizers and Board of Directors within the College are all active leaders of the LLC Committee of the American Bar Association and have national reputations within this practice.
The College honors members of the Bar who are attorneys, judges or professors that distinguish themselves and devote their time to matters involving LLCs, partnerships and other unincorporated entity law through writing articles, organizing bar projects and teaching. The College was created to promote high standards of professional and ethical responsibility, facilitate networking, and encourage the continuing education of attorneys, judges, and professors within this practice.
Jack has represented both publicly held and privately held businesses in financing and acquisition transactions. He is experienced in securities and insurance regulation, corporate and partnership taxation, mergers and acquisitions and real estate development and finance.