Columbia Associate Grayson Lambert Reappointed to Fourth Circuit Advisory Committee
Columbia associate Grayson Lambert has served as a member of the Fourth Circuit’s Advisory Committee for the past three years and was recently reappointed to serve an additional term on November 6th, 2019. Pursuant to Local Rule 47(b), a Committee member may be appointed to serve for one additional three-year term commencing on January 1st, 2020. The Committee’s review and comment on proposed rule changes ensure that the Court’s local rules and procedures promote the efficient practice and do not unduly burden the bar. Grayson accepted the role and will continue to serve on the Advisory Committee.
Grayson focuses his practice on appellate proceedings and major trial court motions. He represents both private and public entities in cases involving novel or complicated legal questions and complex procedural issues. From his clerkship experience and his own practice, Grayson understands that strong reasoning and clear writing are essential to presenting a client‘s most effective argument to the court.