On January 9, the SEC's Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations ("OCIE") issued its annual "hot-topics" list of examination priorities for 2014. National Exam Program Priorities across OCIE's entire program include: 1. Fraud Detection & Prevention 2. Corporate Governance, Conflicts of Interest & Enterprise Risk Management 3. Technology 4. Dual Registrants (BD & RIA) 5. New Laws & Regulation
- Rule 506(c) Accredited Investors
- Crowd-funding
- Municipal Advisors
- New Registrants under Dodd-Frank
The SEC's new Municipal-Advisor Rules, 17 CFR § § 240.15Ba1-1 to 15Ba1-8 were to become effective Monday, January 13, 2014 but that morning were delayed until July 1. SEC Rel. 34-71288. Adopted last September, SEC Rel. 34-70462, the Rules will implement Dodd-Frank § 975 and require registration (firm-only, not individuals) and impose fiduciary duty upon MA's (and their control affiliates), subjecting MA's to SEC, FINRA and MSRB rules regarding:
- Supervision
- Conflicts
- Gifts & Entertainment
- Political Contributions
- Books & Records
- Business Communications
- Compensation and ...